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Episcopal Vicar for Clergy [List Item]

Episcopal Vicar for Clergy

The Episcopal Vicar for Priests is appointed by the Diocesan Bishop and serves as the Priest Personnel Director. He provides curial support to the Diocesan Bishop and to the Priest Personnel Board. He is an agent of the Diocesan Bishop ministering with the priests on the bishop’s behalf.

The Episcopal Vicar for Clergy Office handles:

  • Priest personnel matters
  • Extern priests
  • Immigration issues for priests
  • Pastoral care and support of priests
  • Parishioner concerns involving priests

Priest Personnel Board

The Priest Personnel Board is a consultive body that advises the Diocesan Bishop on matters that involve the priests of the diocese, such as:

  • The assignments of priests after a careful consideration of the priest’s ministerial skills and the pastoral needs of a given parish/ministry.

  • Participate in strategic planning when it involves the placement of priests.
  • The development of policies which affect the life and ministry of priests.
  • Recommendations to the Bishop on the management of priest personnel issues (excluding child protection matters).

Very Rev. Dennis Spies
16555 Weber Road

Crest Hill, IL 60403
(815) 221-6184
[email protected]