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Joint statement from the Diocese of Joliet and Benet Academy 3

The following statement outlines the final step on the path of Benet Academy seeking to retain its Catholic identity and Benedictine tradition without St. Procopius Abbey.
St. Procopius Abbey decided to withdraw from the governance of Benet Academy. The Benet Academy Board of Directors determined it was in the best interest of Benet Academy to become an independent, nondiocesan-operated Catholic educational institution within the geographic boundaries of the Diocese of Joliet. Bishop Ronald Hicks of the Diocese of Joliet has agreed to accept Benet Academy as an independent, nondiocesan-operated Catholic secondary institution within the Diocese of Joliet.
St. Procopius Abbey has conveyed to Benet Academy certain real estate, consisting of approximately 45 acres located in DuPage County, on the express condition that the real estate be used for the express purpose of operating a high school that is recognized as Catholic by the local bishop.
As a condition of acceptance of Benet Academy as an independent, nondiocesan-operated Catholic educational institution within the Diocese of Joliet, the bishop requires the Benet Academy Board of Directors and Benet Academy to at all times act in a manner consistent with and abide by the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church as well as all Joliet diocesan policies.
The bishop has nominated one representative to serve on the Benet Academy Board of Directors. The bishop’s delegate shall serve as the bishop’s eyes and ears and shall serve as long as the bishop directs.
The internal management of Benet Academy is left to the officers of Benet Academy and the Benet Academy Board of Directors.